Group Hypnobirthing Courses in Paris 

July 2019 Update: I am not currently offering group hypnobirthing classes as I am super busy working on a number of other exciting projects.

Please follow my instagram and facebook pages for updates on my work:

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Group Hypnobirthing Course:

350€ per couple

Join other pregnant couples at 'Popincourt' in the 11ème for evening and weekend hypnobirthing classes, led by Jodi; a fully qualified Midwife & KG Hypnobirthing teacher

Partners are encouraged to attend all sessions if possible but especially session 3, which particularly discusses the role of the partner/father during birth and birth preparation.

  • 3-4 couples per group

  • 2 Sundays (14:00-18:00) OR 3 weekday evenings (18:30 - 21:00)

  • Start between 20-30 weeks pregnant, preferably

Course Venue

'Popincourt' is a beautiful lit, relaxing and spacious studio fully equipped with wonderful facilities and just a few minutes walk from the metro!  

Closest Metro:Saint Ambroise (3 mins walk) 

Following the course                                                    

I run weekly prenatal yoga classes in Paris every Monday afternoon & Tuesday evening.

My prenatal yoga classes always include breathing practices and finish with a deep relaxation, using hypnobirthing relaxation scripts and affirmations.

If you would like to keep practicing your hypnobirthing breathing techniques and relaxation scripts with me following the course I highly recommend that you attend one of my weekly yoga classes!

More info on my prenatal classes yoga here



Book Your Course

Below are the proposed dates for group classes over the coming months. 

**If you cannot make these dates please do get in touch as alternative dates may be possible.**

May 2017 

Weekday evening course (18:00 -20:30):

Tuesday 2nd May, 9th May, 16th May & 23rd May

Weekend course: FULLY BOOKED

Additional antenatal and birth support

If you have enjoyed my hypnobirthing course and feel you would benefit from additional support from me during the antenatal/labour/postnatal period please see my Doula Packages here